I have been a bit worried about the health situation in sacred birmans. I love this beautifull breed so i had to do something. Genepole is too narrow so we have to get more variety from somewhere. I decided to mix my 7-years old birman girl with siberian male. Firstly i started to look for a male that would fit to this project and i asked about Tiina Kajoranta from Lumikissan-cattery if she could help me. She told me about male from her breeding, Lumikissan Tossavainen and gave me promission to ask him. So i called to his owner Marja Uusivuori and told her about my plans. Luckyly Marja got very excited about the idea so i put papers to finnish cat organisation Kissaliitto to have official permission to this litter.

I lanned everything so well and made the request very carefully. I had the permission in december 2011 and started to make it happen. Jetta was tested against FeLV ja FIV and she was also HCM scanned. Jettas full name is Tamus Jetta Jubilee and she is bluetortiepoint. She has had 3 litters earlier and all her kittens and their kittens have been very healthy. She was my best cat to this project. The male is Lumikissan Tossavainen. Ceme siberian male and he has also been tested against FeLV, FIV and HCM. His kittens have been healthy as well.

Now the mating has been done. If Jetta is pregnant kittens will born in middle of june 2012. These kittens will be used in birman breeding. I will write here when i have some news. If you have any questions, please send email etc.

Photos will bee seen in finnish part of this diary.